The Greed of Facebook?

The Facebook is out of control. When Facebook first came out it was fun. It was simple, easy to use. I preferred it over MySpace anyday. Now the site is just simply out of control. There are way too many applications. And every time I download them I feel as if I am selling my soul. Its taking information about us and even lets us know that!! And its targeting the young, naive college/high school crowd who will download whatever, install this, upload that, put whatever private information they dare up online without so much as a second thought. And The Facebook is a great tool for marketing...with the thousands, probably millions of photos posted online. "The man" can see exactly what kids like and how to target them to buy their products. I am so over Facebook...does anyone else still remember when it was "The Facebook"? This article has made me want to take my page down. I hope that the greed of Facebook does cause it to implode. The world would be better off without Facebook. I hope this "social networking" bs is over soon.

This article says it all. So many points in this debate. Brings up everything I wanted to bring up in a much more eloquent way!

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