Truth is stranger than fiction

This is an old saying...the truth is stranger than fiction...but I just finished reading "Guilty as Sin" by Tammi Hoag and those words are echoing in my mind today. Why is the truth stranger than fiction then? Are people afraid of the truth? Essentially lying is easier? But who are the lies really for? Those around you? Yourself?

The human mind is such a hard thing to understand.

Another line in the book (I'll find it later) says something to the affect that the only thing that seperates us as humans from animals is the everyday formalcies we endure upon each other. And then when something tragic happens to us, to damage our psyche that's the only time we realize how stupid and mundane and quite frankly bullshit all of this pomp and circumstance we go through everyday as humans is.

Very good book. Take some time to read it.

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