The Newest Internet Celebrity

This poor girl makes me want to laugh and cry. I love her passion. And if she wasnt so fugly, I am sure that her videos would have been overlooked. Havent we all danced around and sang in front of a video camera at least once in our lives? Done karaoke? Yes.

Sadly, Tina, has become the latest internet celebrity. How old is this chick?

Most of me hopes that when the cameras arent rolling, she takes off those damn turtle necks and wears something more this decade. Along with cuter clothes, I hope that when she takes her hair down and her glasses off, she looks like a normal person and that this is all a joke.

Unfortunately, this is not a joke. You could sense underlying motives in the internet stardom of Chris Crocker and other former internet celebrities. But poor Tina....

Check out the video where she is just simply screeching...and showing us a mouth full of metal.

Perez Hilton should be ashamed of himself for bringing this child into the spotlight.

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