today was a waste today i went through approximately 20 layouts. all had their fair share of "not working out". i dont know how else to describe it. i feel like a complete bumbling idiot that i cannot make this page do what i want it to do. i wish i could say i learned a lot along the way, but that's not true. i mostly bumbled through with trial and error. and i am sure i still have some errors. but the day is definately having gotten away from me the moment i started working on this blog this morning.

i am only about 1 more chapter deeper into "the great santini" and i have yet to watch a single episode of weeds.

i think i will go jump on the task at hand right this moment.

goodnight all...please enjoy at least the beauty of my page. even if its functionality is what i imagine injecting vodka into my bloodstream with dirty needles would be like.