Just thought I would put this up here...

Friday, April 06, 2007

so mad
Current mood: annoyed
Category: Life

k so i am in line at mcd's this morning and dude in front of me is on his cell phone...arguing with his girlfriend cause what she wants is too expensive....now what she wanted was the hot cakes w/ sausage. well the 70 cent difference between the hot cakes and then the hot cakes w/ sausage was going to break his bank. so after a few minutes (okay probably more like seconds, but it seemed to be forever) of him arguing w/ her.... i reach into my bag and give him 75 cents. this fool then proceeds to keep talking on his cell phone w/ his girl and doesnt even say fuckin thank you!!!!!!!!! people kill me!!!!!! but at least he got the hell out of there so i could also get out of there. karma will get that boy. rude rude rude. kids today are so rude. he wasnt even a kid!!!!!! he was probably my age!!!! RIDICULOUS!!!

taken from myspace

1 comment:

Ina said...

Wow, I thought I'd seen some rude folks in the past, but this takes the biscuit.

Hopefully he'll pay just as little attention next time he's crossing the road...
