Neighborhood Drama

Do you really have to "love thy neighbor"? Where do you really draw the lines in friendships/realtionships you form with your neighbors?

Over the past year and a half I have come to learn that there is no need to be friends with your neighbors. There is no need to consider them your best friends. They are merely acquaintances and drinking buddies. You are thrown together by chance and the drinking and the partying comes out of mere convienence. Not because you actually like to spend time with the people.

Its nothing but gossip. Gossip that leads to hurting people's feelings. Its rumors being spread. It is unecessary. It is conversation to fill empty air. Because in the end you have nothing in common with your neighbors except drinking.

All this empty conversation really is damaging to everyone.

And then when you decide you would simply just rather not be friends/drinking buddies...the gossip continues. Removing yourself from the situation really isnt enough.

Let them talk. And then I'll just sit here and blog about all the crazy things they do. Its Friday. Cant wait to see what the weekend has in store.


riky and nina said...

an apt interpretation. our next door neighbor is boorish so no need to associate ourselves with him, but my curiosity just wonders what he thinks of us. never mind though ive already expended more than enough thought that he is due.

junk said...

i thought i was alone! thanks ninaparton. apparently this problem is a widespread one.

Anonymous said...

I completly agree neighbors can be amusing sometimes but mostly not. I live next to the home based home improvement bussiness family. so in the evenings and on weekends i get the joy of listening to the sound of skill saws, hammers and paint sprayers. they had a baby about 6 months ago so it was quite for the first 3 months but we are back to the noise at night and on the weekends. it sucks to not be able to sit on the back deck looking into your yard without the loud sounds from next door. i so want to let the kids blast music and scream out side all hours of the night but then i would be as bad as the neighbors.thanks for your sharing please know you are not alone