We are Just a Bunch of Animals

The Internet as a whole has made life move a lot faster. In some arenas, this faster lifestyle is perfectly acceptable and actually makes life run smoother...such as online shopping. Great for very busy people... The wealth of knowledge and information that is much more rapidly accessible keeps people on their toes and constantly learning.

For the most part, this quicker lifestyle has positive results. On the other hand, there are many negative results to having all the information you need right at your finger tips.

I, for one, feel overloaded sometimes with the amount of information available for me to consume. It is hard to "check out" in today's world. I find myself barely 6 feet away from an electronic device 24/7. I sleep with my cell phone, am glued to a PC all day at work, come home and get straight on my computer to check websites not allowed at work, watch some TV, maybe talk on my cell phone, then check my computer again for updates to my favorite websites. Then I go to bed and get up to do it all over again.

This constant brain activity and absorbing of information cannot be good for a person...but, I am digressing from my main point...and that life in every aspect is moving faster because of the internet.

You can now even have faster/quicker relationships via social networking. You can experience life and friendships via a computer screen instead of getting out there and meeting people. And people wonder why so many people suffer from depression in this day and age...it is because as humans we require human contact. The internet and namely social networking removes that aspect from our lives. I dont have to pick up the phone and call an old friend to see what is going on with them...I can just check out Facebook or MySpace. I dont have to attend a co-workers wedding because I can just check out the pictures online later. I dont even have to drive over to a friend's house to pick up a forgotten textbook to do homework...they can take a picture of it for me and post it Facebook.

You might think this is being self-sufficient. Self-sufficiency has nothing to do with it...it is called alienation.

We are alienating ourselves from the very things that make us human and different from other mammals.

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