12 steps

Jimmy being the 9th song on Tool's album Enima makes the listener believe the "character" has reached the 11th step. When only, he is taking care reminicsing on the time of going through step 9...which is making amends with those hurt by your actions. The mathematics of it can lead one to assume that when a person reaches step 9 in their recovery that they believe they have skipped ahead to step 11 which means they have reached spiritual enlightenment. However, the person at step 9assumes they will be forgiven, but when they are not have to go through a period of personal self evaluation. Simply admiting denial, etc...is not enough.

Songs 9-12 on Emina chronicle the difficulties in the admitting the difficulties that the person struggling has inflicted on the people around them. It is definately a rough section of music to listen to. It tells a the story of dysfunctional relationships coming to a vortex.

Song number 13 shows that through all of the hard work and committment to keeping the relationships afloat and healthy...that it is not worth it. Hence, the bullshit three ring circus. It is at this point both parties realize they are toxic to each other. This is a critical turning point.

Songs 14 and 15 represent the struggle of a person falling off the wagon. Namely a person remaining in toxic relationships. Namely, Third Eye represents one party of the relationship reaching a state of meditation and tranquility with life.

Bringing it back to 46 and 2... in order for 2 people to meet in the middle...there must be shades of grey. I believe the 46 and 2 represent the 2 halves and the 46 degrees in which they can variate from each other on the level 180 degree plane of life. Basically 2 people will only get along if they can meet and the middle and compromise which means the 2 degree variation built in on either side of the 90 degree mark.

Hope my ramblings make sense to someone.


Anonymous said...

yo... its your sister. i've been listening to alot of tool as well. though i don't necessarily agree with all of your ramblings i do appreciate where they are coming from.... geez i am so fucking bored i thought i could get some inspiration from you lol

Anonymous said...

Wtf was this all about?? Lol