the storm never came. just some hard rains. hopefully that will help the drought crisis subside a bit...hope sonny perdue still doesnt think his prayers brought the rain. he probably hasnt even thought about it with the recent pressure he has had to allow sunday liquor sales in georgia. why isnt it allowed? people absolutely drink on sunday. and prepare for it. i quite honestly will miss the ritual of hoarding "sunday beer" and then being bummed out if it escaped my mind to hoard on a saturday and then find myself in a sunday.
the hard rains gave me a chance to finish weeds. then with nothing else to do i started watching californication. californication surpasses weeds in intelligence, wit, dramatic effect, etc. both shows have the dry, sarcastic humor going on and raw characters...but maybe californication's characters are just a little bit more least to my life anyways. i'm on episode 3. i hope it keeps pleasing me. about 7 more episodes to go. start praying for rain and tidal waves again.
waitin out a tornado this morning. on the season finale of season 3 of weeds and have had to pause it about 8 times...due to warnings issued by the EAS. i am ready for this thing to come or pass or whatever it is going to do. i knew we had storms all night last night, but i didnt know downtown atlanta was hit....craziness. have they ever had a tornado? I will definately look into that later, but for now, I need to seek shelter in a room with no windows. not exactly easy to do in my house. i guess i will retreat to the shitter.
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today was a waste today i went through approximately 20 layouts. all had their fair share of "not working out". i dont know how else to describe it. i feel like a complete bumbling idiot that i cannot make this page do what i want it to do. i wish i could say i learned a lot along the way, but that's not true. i mostly bumbled through with trial and error. and i am sure i still have some errors. but the day is definately having gotten away from me the moment i started working on this blog this morning.
i am only about 1 more chapter deeper into "the great santini" and i have yet to watch a single episode of weeds.
i think i will go jump on the task at hand right this moment.
goodnight all...please enjoy at least the beauty of my page. even if its functionality is what i imagine injecting vodka into my bloodstream with dirty needles would be like.
i am only about 1 more chapter deeper into "the great santini" and i have yet to watch a single episode of weeds.
i think i will go jump on the task at hand right this moment.
goodnight all...please enjoy at least the beauty of my page. even if its functionality is what i imagine injecting vodka into my bloodstream with dirty needles would be like.
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templates are still driving me crazy
okay...its about 4 or 5 hours later. honestly i lost track of time. i am still having a huge horrible time with getting a new template. either i get a template and its size is restricted not letting me add what i want to my blog....or i am getting a template that is great with the size and not collecting my feedburner site stats. i am just going to go with a template that allows me to do what i want with my blog. the stats i have decided are not as important. while it is fun to see what kind of visitors i get and where they are from at this point in my day i am just too frustrated to care.
i need to get back to reading the great santini, watching that 70s show, and weeds.
i need to get back to reading the great santini, watching that 70s show, and weeds.
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Templates are making me crazy
So sorry for the craziness of my blog this morning. I got a new template a few days ago and it seems to have somehow gone corrupt. I am trying my hardest to correct the problem or find a new template...unfortunately its becoming more of a headache than I thought it would be. I came across this one site that said "It's Friday! New Template Day!!".....yeah, I am starting to think it might take all of this Friday to get a new template up and running....geez....
If you read my earlier post, you will now know that I am going to be running behind in finishing Weeds and that is making me a little cranky :(
If you read my earlier post, you will now know that I am going to be running behind in finishing Weeds and that is making me a little cranky :(
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The Great Santini, That 70's Show, Weeds

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Does Anyone Watch Men in Trees?

This show is so hokey...but I love it. And I am thankful that it is on in this dreary period of television brought on by the writer's strike. Anne Heche's character's musings are stolen straight from Sex & the City, but it is kind of refreshing that the show ponders questions about life in general instead of just singledom.
Last night's episode was hilarious. From Patrick floating away on a crappy lawn chair suspended in the air by helium filled balloons (who didnt want to try that as a kid) to Jack being an "unplugger" the show just kept me smiling.
I think the best attribute of the show is its ability to be light and airy. It is a feel good show. Maybe living in Alaska with a slower pace of life is the appeal. I am not sure, but I give this show 2 thumbs up.
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Geraldine Ferraro : Case in Point
Not even 10 minutes after I just followed up on racism, I checked in on the news for the evening. Shocker... someone else being penalized for a "racist" remark. I just think it is a shame that this is still such a heated topic. I find it now even more, irritating, petty, and non-productive in the grand scheme of life. I know I sound contradictory saying it is ridiculous to be discussed and then accusing racism of being swept under the rug. It seems as if though, it is only swept under the rug when it doesnt fit anyone's agenda. Then when racism will draw the line in the sand between two parties it is always the straw that breaks the camels back. So I am just confused I suppose, if both sides of the issue want so badly for it to be a non-issue then why always use racism in battle? It always stirs up negative attention. Negative attention I suppose is better than no attention at all. Sadly, I guess that is what it all comes down to. Geraldine, you crazy old bat, I'm truly sorry for your plight also.
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I am quite dissapointed to discover today that the number one word that links people to my blog via search engines is the "N" word. I previoulsy discussed my irritation with the word by making a mockery of the Dog the Bounty Hunter for the heat he caught earlier this year using the derogatory term against his son's girlfriend. These statistics kind of bring a relevancy to the opinons I expressed. Racism and the word are still alive and well in this country. Though it is just not discussed. Its kind of sad/funny/appalling that Dog's career was tarred and feathered for being politically incorrect and vocalizing the word yet, millions in this country are Googling the word in the privacy of webland. Just because things are kept quiet about doesnt mean they dont exist. I hate the way this country sweeps things under the rug. But I too, think this proves that yes, when a tree does fall in the forest, even if no one is around it makes a sound.
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Recently Read
Between, Georgia : Joshilyn Jackson
Gods in Alabama : Joshilyn Jackson
Blue Water: A. Manette Ansay
Middlesex: Jeffrey Eugenides
The Slow Way Back: Judy Goldman
Breathing Water: T. Greenwood
History Lesson for Girls: Aurelie Sheehan
A Version of the Truth: Jennifer Kaufman
Fall on Your Knees: Ann-Marie MacDonald
Definately would recommend Fall on Your Knees. The rest are quick reads...mostly well-written. All similarly themed as looking back at your past to help guide you to the future, as well as, understand, comprehend, and overcome the past. Recommend to anyone who is currently doing a bit of soul-searching. I guess I should rephrase that, and not to discriminate, but mostly for women who are doing a bit of soul-searching.
Up next in my que is "The Great Santini" by Pat Conroy. I will definately let you know how that one turns out. I am getting a slow start as I dont really identify with the strict military lifestyle of the main characters. But hey..we all need a little discipline in our lives, so maybe I'll learn something :)
Gods in Alabama : Joshilyn Jackson
Blue Water: A. Manette Ansay
Middlesex: Jeffrey Eugenides
The Slow Way Back: Judy Goldman
Breathing Water: T. Greenwood
History Lesson for Girls: Aurelie Sheehan
A Version of the Truth: Jennifer Kaufman
Fall on Your Knees: Ann-Marie MacDonald
Definately would recommend Fall on Your Knees. The rest are quick reads...mostly well-written. All similarly themed as looking back at your past to help guide you to the future, as well as, understand, comprehend, and overcome the past. Recommend to anyone who is currently doing a bit of soul-searching. I guess I should rephrase that, and not to discriminate, but mostly for women who are doing a bit of soul-searching.
Up next in my que is "The Great Santini" by Pat Conroy. I will definately let you know how that one turns out. I am getting a slow start as I dont really identify with the strict military lifestyle of the main characters. But hey..we all need a little discipline in our lives, so maybe I'll learn something :)
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Me and Comcast are At it Again
Why, why, why does Comcast have to have a monopoly? And how do cable companies and the like end up with monopolies? I thought that was illegal.
First of all, Comcast is a rip off. It is way to expensive...but I have to have my internet. Today I spent hours connecting to my neighbors non-existent wireless signal to painstakingly check my email, trust me it was taking longer than dial-up used to.
Finally though I did not want to...I called my favorite company and found out what in the hell was up with my service. Turned out to me a minor snafu...and luckily this time the problem was solved without a huge argument or any need for me to use attitude and ugly words against the poor customer service rep who happened to answer my call.
Maybe they have been reading my feelings for them.
First of all, Comcast is a rip off. It is way to expensive...but I have to have my internet. Today I spent hours connecting to my neighbors non-existent wireless signal to painstakingly check my email, trust me it was taking longer than dial-up used to.
Finally though I did not want to...I called my favorite company and found out what in the hell was up with my service. Turned out to me a minor snafu...and luckily this time the problem was solved without a huge argument or any need for me to use attitude and ugly words against the poor customer service rep who happened to answer my call.
Maybe they have been reading my feelings for them.
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You Gamble Your Soul Away
Would the idiom "deadweight" ever even have existed if people could simply rid themselves of the things that were dragging them down?
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The Sweetest Thing
I went back to my old middle school today to pick up a family friend. She was supposed to meet me outside at @ 3:30 and when she didnt show, I will admit, I was a bit stressed.
- I'm always in a rush to get to the next place and move onto the next thing. And who isnt? And why is that? (Another topic entirely) -
Back to the topic at hand, so when she called me telling me she was going to be just a bit longer and that I should come inside, I was a bit hesitant. I reluctantly parked the car and went into the gymnasium. I walked in and was surrounded by about thirty tween girls.
At first sight I could feel a headache already coming on by what I imagined would be a hour of shrieking, shrill voices.
At this point I still didnt know what my friend was staying after school for, then I saw the girls standing in line to have their hair measured and tied off.
These tweens were selflessly having their long hair chopped. And when I say chopped...I mean they literally cut just above the rubber band they have tied the hair off with.
I, of course, had heard of people donating to Locks of Love and organizations like that, but I had never witnessed it with my own eyes.
The whole energy were simply amazing. These young girls were so excited about giving their hair up. It was so sweet to see these girls, these innocent little girls, do something which I consider to be very brave without even a second thought.
It just kind of warmed my heart. Not kind of...totally warmed my heart.
- I'm always in a rush to get to the next place and move onto the next thing. And who isnt? And why is that? (Another topic entirely) -
Back to the topic at hand, so when she called me telling me she was going to be just a bit longer and that I should come inside, I was a bit hesitant. I reluctantly parked the car and went into the gymnasium. I walked in and was surrounded by about thirty tween girls.
At first sight I could feel a headache already coming on by what I imagined would be a hour of shrieking, shrill voices.
At this point I still didnt know what my friend was staying after school for, then I saw the girls standing in line to have their hair measured and tied off.
These tweens were selflessly having their long hair chopped. And when I say chopped...I mean they literally cut just above the rubber band they have tied the hair off with.
I, of course, had heard of people donating to Locks of Love and organizations like that, but I had never witnessed it with my own eyes.
The whole energy were simply amazing. These young girls were so excited about giving their hair up. It was so sweet to see these girls, these innocent little girls, do something which I consider to be very brave without even a second thought.
It just kind of warmed my heart. Not kind of...totally warmed my heart.
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This Year Will Be Better Than the Last
Dont we always hope the next year will be better than the last???? Well if anyone is keeping score...these first 2 months of 2008 for me have been much worse than the whole of 2007. Things better turn around soon.
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I Won't Tell Them Your Name
So I was at a bar tonight. A hometown bar and randomly...some dude comes up to me and what year did you graduate from _______ High School? I was shocked...I looked down to see if I was wearing anything that would have given me away. I saw nothing. I just pissed me off. That was over 10 years ago...apparently we or maybe just I am living in a world where high school mattered? Its sad to me how I wasnt prepared going into the "real world" how much I would still encounter high school. And how it still finds you no matter how far away you go or how much you try to seperate yourself from it. Life is just a longer version of high school I realized. Tonight is not the first night...but tonight is just the first night I decided to vocalize my feelings about it. I am sick of walking into places and situations where people think I must be that same girl from back then. Hello people!!! I have grown and matured into a woman. A woman with much different ideas about people and things that I had in high school. I find it very unfair to still, at my age, to be judged with high school eyes. Is it me or is it them? Have I grown and they havent or the other way around? Of course I think I have grown and they havent....that's why they are the ones to bring it up. I feel stuck in a time capsule in this town. I really need to catch the next train out. Hope this doesnt sound too cliche...but I have outgrown this town.
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Old Music Always Brings You Home
So today...I read two books. They were nostalgic. Made me wanna take a road trip home. Seeing as that wasnt possible...I did the next best thing. I revisited the music that makes me feel like HOME. I spent the day listening to Matchbox 20, The Goo Goo Dolls, Counting Crows, Live, Incubus, Soundgarden, and Our Lady Peace. An ecclectic collection I will admit...but those bands embody the generation I grew up in. They speak to me. I loved fact it was probably better than going home. The only thing better would have been going home playing those songs on the way.
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